Assessment & Therapy

Starting the assessment and therapy journey can be daunting. We aim to provide a space that is welcoming and supportive. Our clinic rooms are set up for children & young people to feel comfortable, so there will be toys and activities available. You are welcome to bring toys from home to help your child to feel as relaxed as possible. We understand that some children and young people have sensory sensitivities/preferences. Please let us know if there are any accomodations that we can make to the environment to help you & your child feel as comfortable as possible eg lighting dimmed in the therapy room. We aim to have minimal scented products in the room and our staff do not wear perfume. Please be aware that the bathrooms do have hand driers. You are welcome to let our secretary know any sensory needs before your child’s first appt. 


A Psychologist can work with you & your child to help them with the following issues:

Managing big feelings

Making friends & keeping friends

Cooperating with instructions and following directions

Understanding social situations


Challenging behaviour

Anxiety & worries

Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Anxiety Disorders

You & your child will be invited to meet with the Psychologist to talk through your concerns. You are very welcome to bring the family to the assessment. In order for your Psychologist to get a full picture of the challenges that you & your child are facing, they will meet with you for two or three appointments. This will often include a session with your child on their own. You will often be asked to complete some questionnaires at home. If you would prefer these questionnaires to be read to you, please let us know & we can arrange this. 

Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapist focuses upon supporting the development of children’s functional daily living skills to enable them to engage successfully within their natural environments of home, preschool and school. Assessment includes listening to parents/carers and educators, and observing children engaging in daily activities in their home and school environment. You will often be asked to complete some questionnaires at home. If you would prefer these questionnaires to be read to you, please let us know & we can arrange this.

Evaluation of the child or adolescent’s functional skills includes gaining an understanding of:

how they process sensory information

social emotional development

play skills

self care skills such as dressing, cleaning teeth and feeding themselves.  

Life happens at home, school settings and in the community, so Occupational Therapy services focuses on supporting children to engage in these everyday environments. We provide coaching resources to parents and educators to support the child’s development of functional skills to engage successfully in activities of daily living.


Feeding and eating doesn’t always go smoothly for families. Some children have challenges when it comes to food, and this can be really hard for families to navigate. Feeding issues like picky eating can impact a child’s growth, nutrition status, emotional wellbeing and psychosocial functioning, AND cause a lot of stress for caregivers. 
A lot of the standard picky eating advice isn’t typically helpful (and can actually be harmful) for neurodivergent children. Sian can help you understand and accept the feeding differences that typically occur with neurodivergence, and work through the stress and guilt that often accompanies feeding a ‘picky kid’.

JumpStart Therapy's Dietetics works with you to:

Problem solve stressful mealtimes

Identify accommodations your child could benefit from to help with feeding

Create a feeding environment that helps your child to feel more calm, safe and less anxious

Alleviate stress surrounding your child’s food preferencesImplement a supportive and flexible feeding structure

Suggest supplements if needed

Brainstorm a list of meals and snacks suitable for your family’s food preferences, budget, cooking skills and time availability.

You will be invited to fill out a food history questionnaire prior to your 1st appt. If you would prefer these questionnaires to be read to you, please let us know & we can arrange this. Your child will be invited to the following appt. 

We also offer child-centred play-based feeding therapy to children who are struggling to eat a varied diet.

Allied Health

Assistant Support

JumpStart Therapy's Allied Health Assistants support children and young people to engage in:



recreational activities

And learn daily life skills such as:




crossing the road safely


We run a range of groups. These groups aim to provide a supportive environment for children to socialise with others, gain confidence in understanding & navigating social situations and practice negotiation and problem solving skills.


Please contact reception to find out which groups are running or to put your child’s name on the waiting list for next term.

We run the following groups:

Secret Agent Society program

Art & craft group

‘Making it’ group


Where appropriate we provide assessment and therapy services via telephone or videoconferencing. We use telehealth platforms that are compliant with Australia standards for online security and encryption (Coviu or PowerDiary).

 To access telehealth consultations you will need access to a quiet, private space, an appropriate device (with camera, microphone and speakers) and reliable broadband internet connection.

Please let our secretary know that you would like a telehealth consultation when booking the appointment.

Ochre Health, CSU, Panorama Ave

Bathurst NSW 2795

ABN 49985337252

© JumpStart Therapy